The natural world is essential to life. Finite, delicate and irreplaceable, it faces myriad challenges from civilization. Exemplifying what is at stake is the Acadian Forest Region, a wild, biodiverse, and breathtaking setting. Come learn firsthand about the environment, its challenges, and the solutions you might apply both here and in the wider world.

In the heart of this region and the Acadia University campus are the K.C. Irving Environmental Science Centre and the Harriet Irving Botanical Gardens. Proudly located in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral territory of the Mi’kmaq People, these unique resources for research, instruction, and community involvement are all aimed at unlocking mysteries of the natural world.

Facilities include:

  • Fifty acres of woodlands with trails.
  • The Irving Biodiversity Collection, which includes an herbarium, seed bank, and six acres of botanical gardens.
  • Greenhouses, laboratories, and some of the most advanced scientific equipment in North America.
  • A 124-seat auditorium, library, classrooms, lecture rooms, meeting spaces, and an elegant boardroom.
  • The Garden Room, a comfortable yet inviting gathering space for the entire campus, with quiet but inspiring study nooks.

Click here for information on how to visit our facilities

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