Victoria Mellish is a 2024 French immersion graduate from Montague Regional High School, Prince Edward Island. Victoria grew up learning the importance of community work, sustainable practices and taking initiative through involvement in the 4-H program, volunteering with the PEI based NGO Farmers Helping Farmers (FHF) and running her own pumpkin business.  Victoria has shown her passion for developing a more sustainable future through projects both in her community and around the world.  

On a global scale Victoria took the initiative to volunteer in Kenya, Africa with FHFAs a youth volunteer she helped provide educational opportunities to Kenyan farmers on more sustainable practices for the environment they depend on. Victoria participated in various activities including evaluating school garden productivity, deworming cows at walk-in clinics, dairy and poultry best practices, bookkeeping seminars and collecting data for donkey welfare. She was overwhelmed by the impact that these education opportunities had for the Kenyan partners and wants to continue empowering others through education. Upon her return from Kenya Victoria was elected to the board of directors for FHF and appointed as the chair of the Education Committee.  

Within her community Victoria transplants saplings each spring to increase biodiversity in the hedgerows of their family’s farm property, she completes multiple bird counts annually to collect data for conservation, and she grows multiple gardens including pollinator friendly, cut flower and vegetable gardens. Victoria is an accomplished musician, playing multiple instruments, and enjoys competing with her school and club soccer teams, and with her partner, Wiseman, in dressage. 

Victoria will be pursuing a BSc. in Biology in the fall of 2024. She looks forward to learning more about environmental, economic, and social sustainability and finding ways to share her knowledge with others.