Acadia University students have always loved having the opportunity to stroll through the Harriet Irving Botanical Gardens, catch up with friends on a walk through the woods or sit and study under a tree. This year they are appreciating having the 6-acre botanical garden on campus more than...
In 2019 and 2020, one of Canada’s most notoriously invasive plant species was found in Kings County, Nova Scotia. E.C. Smith Herbarium’s Irving Biodiversity Collection Manager Alain Belliveau located one occurrence in Wolfville, while Acadia University alumnus Jeffrey White located another one...
Our new website features updated imagery of the facilities and a detailed overview of the nine distinct Acadian Forest habitats that are represented within the Harriet Irving Botanical Gardens. Research is also a key focus of the new website, with an updated...
Since early spring, the Acadia community has been adapting the new realities of COVID-19. Resuming research has been a challenging process to navigate amidst an unfolding global pandemic. However, given the importance of research and the commitment of Acadia to provide a...
The K.C. Irving Environmental Science Centre team welcomes Sarah Hines (Fancy) in her new role as Coordinator of the Irving Scholar and Research Program.
2020 Arthur L. Irving Scholar Charlotte Peng was confirmed as a member of Women Deliver’s Global Young Leaders Program Class of 2020! Women Deliver is a global organization that advocates and champions for gender equality and the health rights of women and girls. As...
The Arthur Irving Scholars for 2020 are Roman Javorek (Environmental Science), Charlotte Peng (Biology) and Holly Turner (Biology). The Arthur L. Irving Family Scholarships in Environmental Study are among the most prestigious awards in Canada, offering financial assistance as well as mentorship...
Since the COVID-19 shutdown of the Acadia University campus in mid-March, conducting research at the K.C. Irving Environmental Science Centre has been challenging but, perhaps surprisingly, a lot of work continues. Most of us are working from home with occasional forays to...
Late this winter, Acadia School of Nutrition and Dietetic students from Dr. Liesel Carlsson’s “Food and People” course started tomato plants in the greenhouse at the K.C. Irving Environmental Science Centre during a hands-on labs. Then, in the middle of March, the...
We’ve just put the finishing touches on our bog habitat after it went through an extensive renovation project.