• Attn: Acadia Alumni you’re invited a special garden talk with Melanie Priesnitz, Conservation Horticulturist from the Harriet Irving Botanical Gardens on June 7, 2021, 7-8 p.m. ADT. Melanie will be giving a brief introduction to the plant research and conservation work happening...

  • Students sitting in the forest

    There’s still lots going on behind the closed gates at the Harriet Irving Botanical Gardens. While we dearly miss having members of the community in the garden, we have been very happy to be able to offer a safe outdoor space for...

  • This past weekend two important Science Atlantic Conferences took place virtually. The Science Atlantic series of conferences cover many disciplines and are an important opportunity to highlight the science that takes place in our Atlantic Canadian Universities. Many Acadia biology and environmental...

  • Sign at entrance to woodland trails

    The K.C. Irving Environmental Science Centre and the Acadia Counselling Centre are excited to offer Acadia students an opportunity to engage in mindfulness in nature right on campus! The Woodland Trails on the Acadia Campus are a wonderful space to connect with...